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在构建城投债影响产能过剩的理论基础上,以我国2004-2016年地级市面板数据为样本,本文检验了城投债影响产能过剩的具体效应和相关机制。研究发现:城投债与地区产能过剩之间呈现U型关系;其中城投债对产能过剩的影响在中西部地区、南方地区、大城市和金融危机爆发后更为显著;机制检验表明,地方政府借助城投债压低工业用地价格和投资交通基础设施会加剧产能过剩,且压低工业用地价格带来的效应更为严重。因此,本文从适度控制债务规模、改善体制激励措施和完善要素定价机制等方面提出相应建议。  相似文献   
Difficulty in labour supervision has been considered to be one of the obstacles to the development of capitalist agriculture. This paper presents two distinctive labour management strategies in China's large‐scale agriculture, which contribute to the development of agrarian capitalism in China. As shown in these cases, agribusiness companies engaged in grain crop production retreat from direct labour management by outsourcing crop cultivation, while acquiring profits from upstream and downstream activities. On the other hand, capitalist producers, who are involved in the labour‐intensive and capital‐intensive crop production, tend to mobilize local elites to manage the farmworkers. Although independent labour contracting services have not emerged, a specialized group of labour contractors is being cultivated. Rural social resources are utilized in labour recruitment and supervision to minimize the labour management costs in both strategies. However, the conflicts between capital and labour are covered or replaced instead of being settled.  相似文献   
土地产权趋于稳定将强化农户的剩余控制权和剩余索取权,进而激励农户改进农业生产行为,但这种激励具有情景依赖性:由于农户进行农业生产经营的能力和目的不同,并不是所有的农户都会因此而改进农业生产行为。采用2018年广东省“千村调研”数据,分析确权颁证对农户采纳测土配方施肥技术的影响,结果表明:农地确权颁证虽然赋予农户实现农地价值的剩余权,但能否促进农户采纳测土配方施肥技术还取决于农户自身的获益能力和收益本身的效用。如果农户缺乏实现农业生产超额利润的能力(低收入农户),即使土地产权趋向稳定,也难以产生采纳测土配方施肥技术的动力;如果实现农地价值的最优方式是“他用”而非“自用”,即使采纳测土配方施肥技术会带来农业生产超额利润,农户也不会积极采纳;如果农户具有实现农业超额利润的能力(高收入农户)和预期(以农业为主业的农户),则确权颁证会促进其采纳测土配方施肥技术。农地确权颁证对农户绿色生产行为的促进有着情景依赖性,因而,在农地确权颁证的同时要完善农地流转制度,通过土地产权稳定和流转稳定的双重激励更有效地促进农业生产经营主体积极施行绿色生产行为。  相似文献   
研究目的:基于耕地多功能价值的视角研究农户土地投入行为绩效并诊断其障碍因子,以探索当前形势下城市近郊区农户"既不愿意种地,又不愿意将土地流转"的深层原因.研究方法:在构建农户土地投入行为绩效分析框架的基础上,通过农村入户调查获得样本数据,采用熵权TOPSIS法和障碍度模型,对不同性别和年龄阶段农户的土地投入行为展开绩效分析.研究结果:总体上,城市近郊区农户的土地投入行为绩效水平为"良好";多群组对比分析显示,男性绩效水平高于女性,青壮年绩效水平高于老年;补贴标准偏低和职业认同感差是制约土地投入行为绩效的主要障碍因子,而满足就业和养老需求依然是耕地资源的核心价值功能.研究结论:耕地在农户认知层面发挥着"弱保障"功能,"存而不用"的保守心态在事实上导致家庭承包地处于闲置、撂荒状态,这便是当前形势下城市近郊区耕地资源低效利用的底层逻辑.  相似文献   
[目的]为了解叶尔羌河平原绿洲耕地利用变化与粮食产量的耦合关系,以此优化粮食生产系统的指导方式,提高叶尔羌河平原绿洲粮食产量,协调叶尔羌河平原绿洲耕地利用转型与粮食产量的耦合关系,并为叶尔羌河平原绿洲的粮食安全保护提供一定的政策启示。[方法]文章运用熵值法,以粮食生产相关的“投入”指标为评价依据,耕地利用强度由地均化肥使用强度、有效灌溉比例、复种指数及地均农业机械化水平等4个指标构成,以及利用1990—2016年叶尔羌河平原绿洲粮食产量,分析其耕地利用转型和粮食产量耦合关系时空变化。[结果](1)1990—2016年叶尔羌河平原绿洲各县耕地利用强度不断增大,并且区域时空格局差异明显,研究初期东北部地区的耕地利用程度强于西部地区,而2016年呈现出西南—中东部强,东北部弱的态势; 从粮食产量方面来看,叶尔羌河平原绿洲粮食产量整体有所增长,空间分异特征较不明显;(2)耕地利用强度—粮食产量耦合类型时空演化特征明显,高耦合值区增加,低耦合区值逐年减少; 从空间上看,叶尔羌河平原绿洲西部地区耕地利用转型与粮食产量耦合度越来越高。(3)耕地利用转型推动粮食生产格局不断演化,叶尔羌河平原绿洲耕地利用转型与粮食产量耦合度在1990—2016年呈现耦合度逐渐增加的趋势,耕地利用转型对保障区域粮食安全具有重要作用。[结论]叶尔羌河平原绿洲粮食产量随着耕地利用转型的不断深入而不断提高,耕地利用转型对粮食安全具有有利影响。  相似文献   
Improvements to forest and land governance are key to addressing deforestation and degradation of peatlands in Indonesia. While this is a priority area, the steps to achieving good forest and land governance have been under-researched. There is a need for better links between theoretically informed academic analysis and work in the field. This study drew together a panel of experts on forest and land governance using a Delphi method to discuss the underlying drivers of deforestation and peatland degradation, and correspondingly, to identify interventions to improve land and forest governance in Indonesia. Seventeen panelists with an average of more than 12 years’ experience reached agreement over four governance interventions: increasing the capacity of local communities to manage and monitor forests and natural resources (65% of panelist’s votes); identify strengths and weaknesses of community organisations and institutions, and develop strategies to improve their performance (65% of panelist’s votes); gazetting forests to clarify land boundaries and determine which areas should be village, community and state forest zone (59% of panelist’s votes); and, integrating participatory community maps into spatial plans to protect local communities and indigenous peoples’ development needs (53% of panelist’s votes). They also supported action research involving the government, private sector and communities, and political economy approaches to researching forest and land governance issues. Panelists indicated that community level approaches such as securing community forest tenure through clarifying land claims and integrating local land tenure into spatial planning had an important role in sustainable forest management.  相似文献   
Large-scale land deals have attracted considerable attention for various reasons, including their implications for local livelihoods. While some view the phenomena as a development opportunity, encompassing improvement in the livelihoods of local people, others argue that it is an impoverishing scheme. Ethiopia ranks among the top in terms of the size of land leased out over the last decade. Land is a major resource of state control and investment in Ethiopia. As the foundation of their livelihoods and identity, it is simultaneously a vital resource for the local people. Highlighting the importance of land for local livelihoods and state-society relations and employing a political-ecological approach, this paper analyzes the outcomes of two land lease cases for the local people in Bakko Tibbe district of Oromia, Ethiopia. The findings show that the land leases induced a significant decline in local people’s access to land, resulting in a significant reduction in crop production and livestock husbandry. The land leases also dismantled longstanding land-based social relations in both production systems. Based on empirical evidence from specific localities and contextualizing the local livelihood dynamics within broader political-economic conditions, this study contributes to the ongoing debate on livelihood impacts of global land deals.  相似文献   
[目的]我国农地流转市场发展迅速,农村土地呈现集中趋势。准确把握农村土地流动方向,探析农地流转对农业生产效率及农民收入的影响,对保障农地流转市场健康发展,实现农业现代化的关键,具有重要的现实意义。[方法]基于文献研究法对相关研究进行梳理和总结。[结果](1)有效的农地流转市场使土地从低效率生产者流转至高效率生产者,从高收入农户流转至收入两端的农户,并有提高农业生产效率和增加农民收入的作用。转入户中存在显著的异质性差异,一部分是缺乏资金和人力资本的小规模农户,另一部分则是具有丰富资金和人力资本的大规模农户。(2)农业比较收益劣势易造成农地流转市场扭曲,改变土地流动方向,导致农业生产效率下降,并加剧农民收入的不平等。[结论]有效的农地流转市场有助于提高农业生产效率并增加农户收入。然而,农业较低的比较收益及政府的过度干预易造成农地流转市场扭曲,农业生产效率提升潜力难以发挥,增收效应减弱,农村收入差距加大。建议政府对农地流转进行有序引导,并注重劳动力市场及信贷市场的配套完善。  相似文献   
松嫩平原自然宜垦性及耕地后备资源开发潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为保障我国粮食安全,为耕地后备资源的合理开发利用提供科学依据,同时完善中国区域耕地后备资源自然开发潜力方面的研究。[方法]文章从自然适宜性的角度出发,选取了地形、气候、土地类型和土壤4个方面15个评价因子,采用层次分析、专家打分等方法确定评价因子权重,构建松嫩平原宜垦性评价指标体系。[结果](1)1980—2015年松嫩平原自然宜垦性整体较好,最适宜垦区与较适宜垦区占松嫩平原面积的5068%,分布在松嫩平原腹地大部地区,中部、中北部、中南部等地;(2)松嫩平原已开垦耕地资源中,持续利用耕地占松嫩平原面积的4814%,空间上与宜垦程度高值区高度吻合;(3)新增耕地占区域面积的126%,以中度适宜垦区和较适宜垦区为主;(4)松嫩平原耕地后备资源占松嫩平原土地面积的1556%,在松嫩平原西部地区、中部和东北部地区均有分布,耕地后备资源中度及以上宜垦区占后备资源总量的7465%。[结论]目前大庆市和白城市可开发耕地后备资源最为丰富,但其中轻度及不适宜开垦区所占比例大,开发难度较大; 松原市可开发资源相对丰富且开垦难度小。  相似文献   
[目的]明确失地农民生计方式选择对生计资本变化的响应,对于制定有效的扶持政策、实现精准扶贫、消除返贫隐患非常重要。[方法]基于参与式的农村评估法(PRA)获取的调查问卷,分析了当前甘肃省兰州市安宁区失地农民的主要生计方式以及影响其非农就业的主要因子,并进一步运用多项Logistic模型探讨失地农民职业分化对上述因子的响应。[结果](1)个体特征和人力资本差异不仅影响兰州安宁区失地农民就业水平,也显著影响职业分化。职业层次越高,失地农民转移就业概率对性别差异、教育程度、年龄及职业资格水平越敏感;(2)征地补偿转化形成的财产性收入及转移性收入对转移就业后各层次职业的就业水平都具有显著负向影响;(3)地理空间异质性对中低层次就业影响更显著。[结论]生计资本数量不仅影响失地农民生计方式能否向非农产业转移,同时影响其对较高层次职业的获取,进而影响其生计转型后的稳定性以及可持续性。  相似文献   
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